"Angels Landing, Zion NP”
"Angels Landing, Zion National Park": 10 color-layer multi-block reduction cut print completed Feb. 2019. The scene is from above Angels Landing rock, with the White Throne cliffs behind. Sketched in March 2018 while Killion was ‘Artist in Residence’ at Zion, where he stayed in the stone house at the Angels Landing trailhead. He climbed the rock in the early morning before the crowds (which you can see as little dots snaking up the mid-ground rock in the print), then climbed much further up the mountain behind the rock for this view. Some of the blocks and color printing runs are shown at right to give you an idea of Killion’s complex carving and printing process, beginning with key block being transferred to uncarved color blocks, then carving the color blocks and printing them layer by layer — the ‘green’ color block (with sky layers printed seperately) is shown, as is the final background tint layer on the cliffs behind Angels Landing rock.