Central Coast
Killion's Coast series is an ongoing work, reproduced in its 2014 form in his book "California's Wild Edge." Many earlier images appear in the various editions of Tom's book, "The Coast of California". Killion's extensive archive of Coastal Prints has been divided geographically into four sections. This section comprises prints from the Golden Gate south to the southern end of Monterey County, including Killion's many images of Big Sur and the Santa Cruz coast, where he lived and worked for many years.
Image Size: 14 x 11.25 inches
First Printed: 2021
Printing History: This view of a spreading coastal Live Oak tree on the slopes of Boronda Ridge, Big Sur, was created from a sketch Tom did in April 2002, when the Lupines and Owls Clover were particularly thick. Multi-block reduction cut with 11 color layers, completed July 2021. Edition of 192, plus 10 a.p.s & 4 w.p.s. Colors of grass range from early April green to more yellow-green of early May.
Original woodblock edition is Sold Out. Go to Large-Format Prints page for new giclee edition of this image
Image Size: 14x29 inches
First printed: 2014
Printing History: Multi-block reduction cut prints (see above) completed Dec. 2014 with 32 color layers on the two panels. Edition of 175 plus several artist's proofs.
Sold Out as Original Multi-block Print
Image Size: 14x14.5 inches
First Printed: 2014
Printing History: Left side of diptych of Carmel Bay completed Dec. 2014. Multi-block reduction cut with 16 color layers, printed in edition of 175 plus 25 artist's proofs. Out of print.
Image Size: 14x14.5 inches
First Printed: 2014
Printing History: Right side of new Carmel Bay diptych completed Dec. 2014. Multi-block reduction cut with 16 color layers, ed. of 175 plus 20 artist's proofs. Out-of-print.
Image size: 12x9
First printed: 2012
Printing History: View from trail just north of Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park. Originally printed as a multi-block 12x9 woodcut in edition of 175 (plus 4 a.p.s) in 2013 (out of print).
New large-format giclee edition begun 2016. Available for Purchase as large format giclee print.
Image Size: 10x13 inches
First Printed: 2006
Printing History: Edition of 165 plus 10 artist's proofs completed April 2006. Multi-block reduction cut with 6 color layers. Out of Print.
Image Size: 12x17 inches
First Printed: 2005
Printing History: The view is from the top of Boronda Ridge, where an old corral for keeping pigs remains. Multi-block reduction cut, 11 color layers: edition of 185 plus several artist's proofs completed October 2005. Blocks destroyed in process. Original relief edition out-of-print.
Note: Later reproduced as a Large-Format (19x27) Iris Print type of Giclee in edition of 65, printed 2013, OUT OF PRINT/UNAVAILABLE.
Image Size: 11x18.5 inches
First Printed: 2004
Printing History: Edition of 175 plus several a.p.s completed September 2004. Multi-block reduction print. Out of print.
No longer available
Image Size: 8.5x11 inches
First Printed: 2004
Printing History: Second state image completed in edition of 140, February 2004. Key block is recarved from first state with multi-block reduction cuts added to create colored sky and tints. Blocks destroyed. Entire edition trimmed with small margin at bottom of print.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 13.5x16 inches
First Printed: 2002
Printing History: Edition of 156 plus 13 artist's proofs printed March 2002; multi-block reduction cut. Out-of-print.
Large-format Iris-print (giclee) edition created 2009: ed. of 48 plus 20 artist's proofs. Image size 26x30.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 13.5x16 inches
First Printed: 2001
Printing History: Edition of 156 plus artist's proofs 1-17 and working proofs 1-6. Early artist's proofs have different key block part around flowers, later cut-away. Printed November 2001 through March 2002; multi-block reduction cut.
Large-format Iris-print (giclee) edition created 2009, ed. of 98 plus 15 artist's proofs. Out-of-print.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 4x6 inches
First Printed: 2001
Printing History: First edition of 95 plus 8 a.p.s (2001). Image also used on logo of Ventana Wilderness Alliance. Edition II of 125 begun 2015.
Image Size: 14x18 inches
First Printed: 1996
Printing History: State I, edition of 125 plus 24 artist's proofs printed in 1996 -- blue [as shown] to purple sea color; State II, edition of 164 plus 19 artist's proofs and 3 working proofs with recut color blocks and greener sea with more orange-gold in clouds printed 2001. Blocks destroyed. Out-of-print.
Printed in large-format [30x34] iris-type "giclée" print edition (2004) of 50 plus 15 artist's proofs. Out-of-print.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 8.5x11 inches
First Printed: 1996
Printing History: State I -- single color, as depicted -- nominal edition of 100, but only 33 plus 10 artist's proofs printed in 1996 before block cut-up to create key-block for a second state (II) completed 2004.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 10x12.5 inches
First Printed: 1993
Printing History: First edition of 90 plus 10 artist's proofs printed 1993. Multi-block reduction cut.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 10.5x14 inches
First Printed: 1993
Printing History: Edition of 107 plus 16 artist's proofs printed 1993. Multi-block reduction cut.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 10x13 inches
First Printed: 1992
Printing History: Edition of 110 plus 10 artist's proofs printed 1992.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 18.5x13.75 inches
First Printed: 1990
Printing History: First state (titled "Spring Sunset, Big Sur") of 120 plus 15 artist's proofs printed in 1990 [depicted here], sea blocks cut away in process; State II of 130 plus 14 artist's proofs and 8 working proofs printed in 1996 with new sea color blocks, different coloring on first half of edition -- more orange -- second part of State II more like 1st edition except for slightly different blocks. Blocks destroyed. Out-of-Print.
Giclée large-format edition of 15 plus 5 artist's proofs printed 2002-2003. Out of Print.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 12x9 inches
First Printed: 1990
Printing History: State II printed at same time as second coloring of first edition, in edition of 50 plus artist's proofs 9-19. Original relief edition out-of-print.
Large-format (20x28 inches) Iris-type Giclée edition of this image printed 2004-13 in edition of 65 (out-of-print).
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 13x19.5 inches
First Printed: 1989
Printing History: Edition of 130 printed 1989; multi-block reduction cut.
Out of print - not available
Image size: 3.5x5.25 inches
First Printed: 1987
Created as illustration for William Everson's "The Poet is Dead" (Good Book Press, Santa Cruz). An edition of 50 broadsides were printed with signed illustration for the Tor House Foundation in 2012. Several artist's proofs were sold after the broadside was completed.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 13.5x19 inches
First Printed: 1985
Printing History: Multi-block 6 color print. Edition of 100 plus 9 artist's proofs printed 1985. Sold out.
Out of print
Image Size: 3.5x3 inches
First Printed: 1984
Printing History: Originally designed as bookplate for R. Larsen. First edition of 100 plus 4 artist's proofs printed mid-1980s; II=60 plus artist's proofs 5-10; III=75 plus artist's proofs 11-14; IV =55; V = 30 + 2 artist's proofs; VI ed. 100 (2016); VII ed. 85 (2025).
Image Size: 6x3 inches
First Printed: 1984
Printing History: First edition of 10 printed 1984, along with unnumbered University of Alabama chapbook of Robinson Jeffers' poem; Edition II = 30 plus 10 artist's proofs; III = 60 plus10 artist's proofs; IV = 50; V = 80 plus 20 artist's proofs; VI = 50 plus 3 a.p.s; VII (2018) = 75; ed. VII of 85 (2020).
Image Size: 12x9 inches
First Printed: 1983
Printing History: First edition numbered as 90 plus 8 artist's proofs but issued in 2 different colorings: #s 1-43 plus lowest number artist's proofs printed in 1983 with yellow grass [depicted here]; #s 44-90 plus higher number artist's proofs printed c.1990 with green grass and blue-purple hills [see next image]. Blocks destroyed.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 12x19.5 inches
First Printed: 1983
Printing History: State I printed in edition of 5, 1983, along with Half-Title for "Walls" book, with this word carved into image; State II edition of 50 plus 3 artist's proofs printed 1990, with lettering removed (filled and recarved); State III of 75 begun 1998, block recarved. Currently a few of the original title page are available with lettering only.
Image Size: 8x10 inches
First Printed: 1983
Printing History: First edition of 85 begun 1983, plus 5 artist's proofs; ed. II of 75 begun 2011.
Image Size: 12x18 inches
First Printed: 1982
Printing History: State I of 20 artist's proofs printed 1982 with yellow cliffs [depicted here]; State II numbered as 50 but only 10 printed 1984 with white cliffs.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1981
Printing History: Edition of 85 plus 3 artist's proofs begun 1981, but only printed through number 69 before block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 4x5 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Editions pulled beginning 1979: I=30 plus 12 artist's proofs; II=40; III=80; IV=50; V=80 plus 10 artist's proofs; VI=8; VII=48 plus 5 artist's proofs; last Edition VIII of 65 printed 2006-10, plus ed. VIII artist's proofs 1-25 & 8 working proofs, block retired.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 5x7 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Edition of 50 plus 5 artist's proofs begun 1979: ed. II (2016) of 75. Temporarily unavailable.
Image Size: 4x6 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Nominal edition of 30 in 1979, only a few pulled before block destroyed; also used on handprinted invitations.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 4x6 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Edition of 30 printed from 1979; Edition II of 50 begun from recarved block, 1997. Block damaged, out-of-print.
Image Size: 5x7 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: 1979, 5 unnumbered prints pulled; about 100 handprinted invitations also printed in split-fountain roll. Block damaged. Recarved, remounted and used for Open Studio keepsakes, 2013.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: First edition of 50 plus 18 artist's profs printed 1979; Edition II of 30 printed mid-1980s. Block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Edition of 50 plus 7 artist's proofs printed 1979-98; ed. II of 45, 1 a.p., printed 2005-12; ed. III of 75 (2017).
Available - Purchase
Image Size: 12x12 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Edition of 50, first 23 printed 1979. Blocks destroyed. Edition not completed.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 5x8 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Nominal edition of 50 begun 1979, only 10 actually printed before block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 50 printed 1978; Second edition of 30 printed late 1980s.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 12x12 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 30 printed 1978 along with pages/covers of handprinted book, 2 artist's prints pulled with type; further editions printed during 1980s & 90s with these numbers: II=30; III=50; IV=40 plus artist's proofs 1-16; block recut 1998: Edition V of 60 plus artist's proofs 17-20 printed 2000; Edition VI of 40 printed 2006, plus final ed. VI artist's proofs 1-25 & 4 working proofs.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 8x10 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition -- some titled "violation #..." -- of 50 plus artist's proofs 1-8 printed 1978-79; further editions printed in 1980s/90s: II=30 plus artist's proofs 9-19; III=20 plus artist's proofs 20-30; block recut in 1998 and State IV printed in edition of 50 plus 10 artist's proofs: State V final edition of 75 plus several artist's proofs printed 2005. Block worn-out.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 50 plus 10 artist's proofs printed 1978-79; Second edition (II) of 30 printed early 1980s. Block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 8x5 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 30 printed 1978 plus artist's proofs 1-7; II = 30; III = 40 plus artist's proofs 8-18; Edition IV nominally of 50 but only printed thru 29 before block ruined.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 6x8 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: About 5 unnumbered prints were pulled in 1978 before block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 7x10.5 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 30 plus 2 artist's proofs printed 1978; later editions -- some titled "Laguna Creek, Santa Cruz Co." -- printed in these numbers: ed.II=30; ed. III=40 plus artist's proofs 3-11; IV=50; V=45 (2008), plus 10 artist's proofs; VI = 65 (begun 2019).
Image Size: 10x16 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First state, 1978, has split sky/fog blocks, used as half-title on original Coast of California book, 2 signed artist's proofs with type; Edition of 30 printed with new fog blocks 1979.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 8x10 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 50 plus 4 artist's proofs printed 1978-79; Second edition (II) of 50 plus artist's proofs #s 5-13; block recut in 2005 and Edition III of 50 printed plus 20 artist's proofs; ed. IV (2015) of 75 pus 6 a.p.s; ed. V (2022) of 85.
Image Size: 8x5 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 30 plus artist's proofs 1-8 printed 1978-79 -- some early prints titled "Red, White and Blue Beach"; Edition II of 40 plus artist's proofs 9-14 printed during 1980s/90s; edition III of 35 completed 2004; ed. IV of 55 (2015); ed. V of 65 (2023).
Available - Purchase
Image Size: 12x12 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: State I -- purple clouds/stencil registration -- edition of 30 plus 4 artist's proofs printed 1978-79; State II [depicted here] edition of 30 printed early 1980s; State III -- blue sea block added -- edition of 40 plus artist's proofs 5-25 printed early 1990s.
A State IV with new cloud blocks and sky tint is projected.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 8x10 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 50 plus 4 artist's proofs printed 1978-79; following editions printed during 1980s/early 90s in these numbers: II=30 plus artist's proofs 5-14; III=50 plus artist's proofs 15-20; State IV = in 1998 the block was filled and recut to remove house in background and resharpen details, printed in edition of 45 plus 1 (IV) artist's proof.; State V ed. of 75 (2002); VI ed. of 50 (2010) + 2 artist's proofs; VII ed. of 75 (2015) + 4 a.p.s; VIII (2022) block reconditioned, ed. of 85. Temporarily unavailable.
Available - Purchase
Image Size: 8x10 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: Edition of 50 plus 6 artist's proofs printed 1978-85, also 10 unnumbered posters handprinted 1978 with Gary Snyder poem "Front Lines", some signed by poet. Block destroyed.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1975
Printing History: Edition of 50 plus 9 artist's proofs and 1 book print printed 1975-89; block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1975
Printing History: Nominal edition of 50 printed through #30 beginning 1975; used as copyright page in "28 Views of Mt. Tamalpais". Block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9 x 7 inches
First Printed: 2022
Printing History: View of the tower on Carmel Point built by the hand of California’s great poet, Robinson Jeffers. During the 1920s, Jeffers carried rocks up from the beach and hand-laid the stones as he labored on his early prize-winning verses. Killion produced this block in early 2022 for a collaborative broadside featuring Jeffers’ “Star Swirls” poem. This first set of prints from the original blocks is in an edition of 85. Available
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