Northern California
San Francisco Bay
Central Coast
Southern California
Northern California
Killion's Coast series is an ongoing work, reproduced in its 2014 form in his book "California's Wild Edge." Many earlier images appear in the various editions of Tom's book, "The Coast of California". Here, Killion's extensive Archive of Coastal Prints has been divided geographically into four sections. This section comprises prints from far Northern California south to the Golden Gate, including Killion's large collection of prints from the Marin and Mendocino coasts.
Image Size: 9.5 x 11
First Printed: 2020
Printing History: This view of Black Mountain (also known as Elephant Mountain and Coyote’s Knuckles) from Inverness Ridge was sketched in the spring of 2019 from a dirt road above the artist’s studio. The town of Pt. Reyes Station appears on far right, above the wetlands at the upper end of Tomales Bay. This 6 color-layer multi-block print was completed in late 2020 in an edition of 185 plus 20 artist’s proofs and 13 working proofs.
Completely sold in all editions.
Image Size: 8 x 10
First Printed: 2021
Printing History: View of Tiburon, Belvedere Island and downtown SF, from the slopes of Ring Mountain. Angel Island on far left & Alcatraz in middle of Bay. First edition of 150 (2021); ed. II of 185 begun 2022.
to Purchase, click on Image
Image Size: 13 x 19 inches
Printing History: This view from the cliffs at Tomales Point was created in late 2021. Multi-block print with 6 color layers in an edition of 180 plus 8 artist proofs.
Original woodblock edition is Sold Out.
Image Size: 14x18
First Printed: 2018
Printing History: Multi-block print with 14 color layers printed in an edition of 180 plus 15 artist’s proofs and 11 registration proofs. Completed May 2018. The view is from the shoulder of Mt. Tamalpais that drops down to the sea at Stinson Beach with Bolinas in the background. An old fir tree wrapped in poison oak vines is on the right; bay laurel with spanish moss on the left. Out of print.
Large format giclee edition of 95 plus special XL edition of 25 (roamn numerals) and XXL edition of 26 (lettered) printed 2019-2024. Out of Print.
Image size: 12 x 16
First Printed: 2019
Printing History: Winter storm near Elephant Rock with Pt. Reyes visible behind the evening rain. 11 color multi-block reduction cut completed May 2019 in edition of 180 plus 14 artist’s proofs. Out of Print.
Sold Out
May be available as enlarged-format giclee print in future.
Image Size: 9 x 12
First Printed: 2019
Trinidad Bay in Humboldt County, from the southeast. Printed in an edition of 150, March 2019.
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 2018
Printing History: The view from Chimney Rock trail at southern tip of Pt. Reyes head. 1st Edition of 150 printed 2018; ed. II of 150 (2021) is available.
Image Size: 10.5x12 inches
First Printed: 2015
Printing History: View at south end of Limantour Beach, Point Reyes National Seashore. Originally printed in 2015 as multiblock woodcut with extra pressure printed layers in edition of 175 (Out of Print). Now Available as Large-Format giclee in edition of 95.
Available as Giclee Print Only -- Purchase
Image Size: 10x12.5 inches
First Printed: 2015
Printing History: Second Edition of this image, now a 4-color print with new tint blocks, recut key block and new coloring; edition of 145 plus several artist's proofs completed June 2015.
Image Size: 7.5x7.5 inches
First Printed: 2014
Printing History: Block completed Dec. 2014; edition of 125 begun 2015. Very nice dark blue 1st edition prints available.
Available - Purchase
Image Size: 6x9 inches
First Printed: 2014
Printing History: Block completed Dec. 2014; ed. of 95 begun Jan. 2015.
Image Size: 10x8 inches
First Printed: 2013
Printing History: Hardy Creek on the Mendo Coast north of Westport is where Hwy. 1 turns inland and the rocks form the "southern gate" of the fabled Lost Coast. Edition of 125 plus several artist's proofs completed Nov. 2013. 3 color layers. Some unusual proofs will be available at Tom's next Open Studio only.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 11.5 x 13 inches
First Printed: 2013
Printing History: Spring sunset pours its golden light into Tennessee Cove on the Marin Headlands. Nine-color multi-block reduction cut w/ pressure printed overlays on sky. Edition of 175 plus 11 artist's proofs, completed late March, 2013. Original relief edition out-of-print.
Large-format giclée print (21x24) edition of 85 plus 30 a.p.s printed 2015; edition of 10 XL size A.P.G.s (Artist Proof Giant) printed 2020.
Image Size: 14x11 inches
First Printed: 2011
Printing History: Multi-block reduction cut with 7 color layers completed summer 2011. Edition of 175 plus 13 artist's proofs. (Based on a 1979 sketch done from the rocky knoll behind St. Mary's Church for my father, Leo Killion.)
Image Size: 14.5x18 inches
First Printed: 2011
Printing History: Multi-block reduction-cut print with up to 13-color layers in an edition of 175, plus 12 artist's proofs. Numbers thru 56 completed November 2011; #s 57-175 & artist's proofs with additional color layers finished Feb. 2012. Original relief edition out-of-print.
Now Available as Large-Format Giclée Print, edition of 85 begun May, 2015. Image measures: 21x27.
Image Size: 12.5x9.25 inches
First Printed: 2010
Printing History: Nine-color multi-block reduction cut printed in edition of 175 plus a few artist's proofs, April 2010. (Black Mountain can be seen at the south end of the bay, its top lit by sunset light from behind Inverness Ridge). Original relief edition out-of-print.
Available as enlarged giclée print. Measures 21x16, ed. of 85.
Image Size: 11x19 inches
First Printed: 2010
Printing History: Multi-block reduction cut with 7 color layers completed Oct. 2010 in edition of 175 with several artist's proofs. Springtime at Divide Meadow on the Bear Valley Trail, Pt. Reyes National Seashore. Note this is a LARGE print.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 14.5 x 12.5 inches
First Printed: 2010
Printing History: The view from Muir Beach Overlook area on a stormy winter afternoon. Multi-block reduction cut with 6 color layers. Edition of 175 with 9 artist's proofs completed November 2010. Out-of-Print.
Large-format Iris Print in limited edition of 85 produced 2014-15. Image size: 23x20.Out of Print.
New Large-Format Giclee edition print Available: Muir Beach II
Image Size: 4x7 inches
First Printed: 2007
Printing History: Three editions of this 3-color print were completed early 2007. First edition (pictured) 55 plus 3 artist's proofs. A numbered broadside edition of 108, "Lifetimes with Fire" (signed by Gary Snyder) is also out of print. State II edition of 40, plus some artist's proofs, has lines in clouds removed.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 7x10.5 inches
First Printed: 2006
Printing History: First edition of 125 printed November 2006.
Image Size: 11x14.5 inches
First Printed: 2004
Printing History: Five-color multi-block print. Edition of 175 plus 14 artist's proofs completed March 2004. Multi-block reduction print.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 18.5x13.75 inches
First Printed: 1993
Printing History: Edition of 120 plus 20 artist's proofs printed 1993. This image is from above Kelham Beach, looking towards Arch Rock, but was first titled "North of Wildcat Beach, Pt. Reyes". Original relief edition out-of-print.
Now Available as large-format giclée print in edition of 98, image size 28x19.5.
Available as a Giclée Print Only - Purchase
Image Size: 12.5x15 inches
First Printed: 1990
Printing History: First edition included 2 different colorings: second coloring shown here was printed c.1990 and included #s 39-60 plus 2 artist's proofs and perhaps a few earlier numbers [where the first coloring prints with those #s were destroyed to be replaced by second coloring using same #s]. Edition never completed.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 10x12.5 inches
First Printed: 1986
Printing History: Nominal 1st edition of 85 plus 3 artist's proofs includes 2 different colorings: first part of edition has green hills and turquoise sea; second part, through #57 has grey land, blue sea; edition begun 1986, never completed. (see below for second edition w/ new blocks).
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 3.5x5.25 inches
First printed: 1985
Printing History: First edition of 25 (plus some show invitations); ed. II of 75 plus 4 a.p.s mid-1990s; ed. III of 85, plus 10 a.p.s, later 1990s; ed. IV of 65, plus 5 a.p.s, early 2000s; ed. V of 75 begun 2014; ed. VI of 85 begun 2022.
Image Size: 12.5x15 inches
First Printed: 1985
Printing History: State I, first coloring [the slide of this image was overexposed] appeared initially on edition #s 1-38, printed in 1985, though some of these were destroyed and replaced by second state colorings with same numbers [see below]. Some of this coloring may be available at studio only.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 14x16.5 inches
First Printed: 1985
Printing History: First edition 100 plus 25 artist's proofs printed from 1985; Second edition (II) of 50; III=50 plus 7 artist's proofs; IV=50 plus several artist's proofs begun 2002. block under repair -- currently unavailable.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 10x12.5 inches
First Printed: 1984
Printing History: State I, edition of 90 plus 10 artist's proofs printed 1984-86; State II -- some lines removed from key block -- edition of 30 printed mid-1990s; sky block damaged.
State III with new sky block may be made in future.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 13x14 inches
First Printed: 1984
Printing History: Three block print with split-fountain inking. First Edition of 100 plus 5 artist's proofs printed 1984 (bluer sea, lighter coloring); Second Edition (II) of 25 plus a.p.s 6-30 printed c.1992 (coloring shown here); State III (recut blocks, no date with "TK" 'chop') edition of 70 plus 16 artist's proofs (1998). Blocks worn-out, out-of-print.
Large-format Iris-type Giclée edition (image size: 30x34) printed in edition of 55 plus 8 artist's proofs 2004-2012. Out-of-print.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 8x10 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Printed from 1979 onwards in the following editions: Edition I of 50 plus 13 artist's proofs (1979); Edition II of 40 (c.1985); Edition III of 30 plus 29 artist's proofs (1995); Edition IV of 40 (1998); in 2003 block was recut and final editions printed: V of 75 plus 15 artist's proofs (thru 2008); VI of 60 (2009 plus 9 a.p.s. Out of print, block ruined.
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Edition I of 50 plus 7 artist's proofs printed 1979-2009. Ed. II of 75 begun 2015. Note: the actual prints are a darker blue than shown in image.
Available - Purchase
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: First edition of 50 printed 1979, some unnumbered; Edition II of 30 begun 1985 but only numbers 1-13 and 30 printed before block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 3x4 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 50 plus 11 artist's printed 1978; Edition II of 50 (1980s); Edition III of 50 plus 6 artist's proofs (1998); ed. IV of 75 (2024).
Image Size: 12x9 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: From sketch done on the cliffs of the Marin Headlands, looking east to the beach in Kirby Cove and the Golden Gate. First 3 editions printed from 1978 in these numbers: first ed. 50 plus 21 artist's proofs; II=50; III=20; ed. IV block recut 1999, edition of 75 + 7 artist's proofs; V ed. 75 (2016).
Image Size: 4x6 inches
First Printed: 1977
Printing History: One of only two extant blocks from Tom's 'Fortress Marin' book. 3 a.p.s printed with book in 1977; block resurfaced, glued and recut 2015, a.p.s 4-12 printed. Temporarily unavailable.
Image Size: 6.5x5 inches
First Printed: 1977
Printing History: Colophon page print for 'Fortress Marin' book, view of Pt. Bonita from below Battery Wallace. (Note Quail and 'Quail Press' in grass). Edition of 50 plus 3 a.p.s, begun mid-1990s.
Image Size: 12x18 inches
First Printed: 1973
Printing History: Edition of 50 printed 1973 through 1978; some early prints are hand-colored and unnumbered. Edition of about 50 more printed with a poem on the Cowell Press in 1974, but unnumbered.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 4x6 inches
First Printed: 1970
Printing History: First edition of 100 plus 9 artist's proofs printed c.1970-1979. First 30 may be unnumbered, many printed in waterbase inks, multiple colors hand-brushed and rubbed; later editions with block recarved to sharpen details during 1980s/90s: II=50 plus artist's proofs 10-20; III=50; IV=50; V=50; VI=95 plus 5 artist's proofs (VI); VII = 75 plus 6 working proofs; VIII=last edition of 75 plus 15 artist's proofs printed after 2001.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 7 x 3.5 inches
Printed: 2024
Printing History: Chimney Rock is at the southern tip of the Pt. Reyes peninsula. First edition of 98 plus 12 artist's proofs printed 2011 (sold out). Multi-block reduction cut with 4 color layers. New color woodblocks (3) were carved for edition II of 195 (2024). Numbers 20-29 printed on handmade Japanese Echizen Kozo paper; all other numbers on Killion’s usual Torinoko.
Now available.
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