High Sierra
Mt. Tamalpais
Western Mountains
Mt. Tamalpais
Killion began making Japanese-inspired linoleum and wood block prints of Mt. Tamalpais when he was a teenager. In 1975 he collected his first series of small, mostly blue-and-white prints into his first handprinted book "28 Views of Mount Tamalpais". Since then, Killion has produced increasingly colorful woodcuts of Mt. Tam and its environs, many of which are included in "Tamalpais Walking," Killion's 2009 collaboration with poet Gary Snyder. This web page shows Killion's most recent Tamalpais prints first, then moves backwards in time to early images from "28 Views."
Image Size: 14x18
First Printed: 2018
Printing History: Multi-block print with 14 color layers printed in an edition of 180 plus 15 artist’s proofs and 11 registration proofs. Completed May 2018. The view is from the shoulder of Mt. Tamalpais that drops down to the sea at Stinson Beach with Bolinas in the background. An old fir tree wrapped in poison oak vines is on the right; bay laurel with spanish moss on the left. Out of print.
Large format giclee edition of 95 plus special XL edition of 25 (roamn numerals) and XXL edition of 26 (lettered) printed 2019-2024. Out of Print.
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 2018
Printing History: The view from Chimney Rock trail at southern tip of Pt. Reyes head. 1st Edition of 150 printed 2018; ed. II of 150 (2021) is available.
Image Size: 12x9 inches
First Printed: 2016
Printing History: The view from Miller Ave. with Mt. Tamalpais lit by the last rays of a setting sun. Image created for 60th Anniversary of Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival, Sept. 17-18, 2016. Multiblock reduction-cut with 8 color layers, completed March 2016 in edition of 175 plus 38 artist's proofs, some of which have a pink-blossomed plum instead of a golden tree in lower right.
Image Size: 14.5x19 inches
First Printed: 2015
Printing History: Mullti-block reduction cut with 10 color layers, completed Nov.-Dec. 2015. Edition of 185 plus several proofs. Sold out, out-of-print.
Image Size: 5x7 inches
First Printed: 2011
Printing History: Three-color block print, key block was recarved from original "High above Pan Toll" (see Mt. Tamalpais page) w/ sky and bay removed, two new blocks added, Spring 2011. Edition of 108. View is from Old Mine Trail, Mt. Tamalpais.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 10.5x9 inches
First Printed: 2011
Printing History: Two-color print from "High Above Pan Toll" recarved blocks (see "High above Pan Toll II") with "TK" symbol printed from another block and type over it -- 3 color layers total. Broadside created as keepsake for Killion lecture at William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (UCLA), April 2011.
Available - Purchase
Image Size: 7.5 x 9.5 inches
First Printed: 2010
Printing History: Three blocks, printed in edition of 108 plus several artist's proofs, Aug. 2010. Out-of-print. Broadside edition of 125 printed (later) from the same blocks together with Gary Snyder prose (in handset metal type).
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 14x17 inches
First Printed: 2009
Printing History: Multi-block reduction cut with 14 color layers, completed March 2009. Edition of 165 plus 18 artist's proofs. Woodcut edition original print, unavailable.
Large-format Iris-print "giclée" edition of 65 plus 24 artist's proofs was printed in two sizes:
-numbers 1-10 plus 4 artist's proofs measure 30x35 (image size).
-numbers 11-65 plus artist's proofs 11-24 measure 21x24.5 (image).
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 11.5x18 inches
First Printed: 2008
Printing History: Multi-block reduction-cut with ten color layers, printed in edition of 175 plus seven artist's proofs, completed April 2008.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 13x14.5 inches
First Printed: 2008
Printing History: Multi-block reduction cut with 13 color-layers, printed Fall 2008 in edition of 165 plus 10 artist's proofs and 5 working proofs. Original relief edition out-of-print.
Now Available as large-format giclée in edition of 75, measures 22x25 image size.
Available as Giclee Print Only
Image Size: 14x32 full diptych size (14x16 inches each image in original woodcut)
First Printed: 2007
Printing History: Edition of 175 plus 17 artist's proofs and 3 working proofs completed May 2007. Multi-block reduction cut with 17 color layers. Original relief edition out-of-print.
Large-Format Giclée Printed 2013 in matched diptych sets, edition of 85 plus 25 artist proofs. Out of Print
All editions sold out.
Image Size: 14x19 inches
First Printed: 2006
Printing History: Edition of 175 plus 13 artist's proofs completed July 2006. Multi-color reduction cut, 18 color layers, blocks destroyed in process. Original relief edition out-of-print
Printed as an "iris" GICLÉE PRINT in edition of 65. This large format image measures 19.5 x 27 inches. Out-of-print
Image Size: 10x8 inches
First Printed: 2006
Printing History: First edition of 60 plus 6 artist's proofs printed November 2006. Ed. II of 50 printed Nov. 2008; ed. III (2009) of 75, plus 5 a.p.s; ed. IV (2014) of 75, plus 6 a.p.s; ed. V of 75 (2017) plus 20 a.p.s; ed. VI of 95 (2020); ed. VII of 85 (2024) available.
Image Size: 7.5x9.5 inches
First Printed: 2006
Printing History: First edition of 125 plus 7 a.p.s printed 2006. Edition II of 85 begun 2019.
Image Size: 7.5x6 inches
First Printed: 2006
Printing History: First edition of 95 plus 5 a.p.s printed November 2006; ed.II of 85 plus 10 a.p.s printed 2012-15; ed. III of 75 (2017); ed. IV (2022) of 85 available.
Image Size: 14x18.5 inches
First Printed: 2004
Printing History: Edition of 182 completed June 2004. Multi-block reduction print, 15 color layers, blocks destroyed in process. out-of-print.
Large-Format Giclee editon of 48 plus 10 artist's proofs and working proofs printed 2007-2008 (matched sets only).
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 14x18.5 inches
First Printed: 2004
Printing History: Edition of 172 plus several artist's proofs completed June 2004. Multi-block reduction print, 13 color layers, blocks destroyed in process.
Large-Format Giclée editon of 48 plus 10 artist's proofs & working proofs printed 2007-2008 (matched sets only).
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 13x19 inches
First Printed: 2002
Printing History: Edition of 168 plus 7 artist's proofs printed July 2002. Multi-block reduction cut. Out-of-print.
Also produced as a large-format Iris-type giclée print (19x25 inches) in a limited edition of 55 plus 15 artist's proofs. Out of Print.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 16.5x12 inches
First Printed: 1997
Printing History: State II edition of 50 plus artist's proofs 8-25 and 3 working proofs printed 1997; multi-block reduction cut. Original relief edition out-of-print.
Large-Format Iris-type Giclee edition begun 2007, edition of 45 plus 15 aritist proofs. Out-of-print.
Image Size: 11.5x17 inches
First Printed: 1996
Printing History: Edition of 125 plus 7 artist's proofs printed 1996-98; Original relief edition out-of-print.
Available as Large-Format Giclée print in limited edition of 95. Image measures 19x28.
Available as a Giclée Print Only - Purchase
Image Size: 12.5x19 inches
First Printed: 1990
Printing History: State I edition of 130 printed 1990, but numbers 94-129 apparently lost or never printed.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 3.5x5 inches
First Printed: 1989
Printing History: States I-V titled "Mt. Tam from Corte Madera Grade" printed beginning 1989 in these editions: I=100 plus 16 artist's proofs; II=50; III=50; IV=75 begun 2003; V=60; State VI block recut 2002, titled “Mt. Tam from Wolfe Grade”, edition of 75; ed. VII of 50 plus 7 a.p.s completed 2012. New edition of 95 titled “Larkspur II” printed 2018; “Larkspur” edition III of 95 begun 2024.
Image Size: 14x13 inches
First Printed: 1986
Printing History: Multi-block reduction cut print, Killion's first all-wood reduction cut. Edition of 100 plus 1 artist's proof printed 1986, blocks destroyed in process. Also featured on 2007 Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival 50th Anniversary poster (out of print).
Image Size: 13x17.5 inches
First Printed: 1988
Printing History: State I -- purple clouds tipping upwards against green sky -- edition of 110 plus 8 artist's proofs printed 1988; State II -- golden clouds on dark blue sky with stars -- edition of 80 plus 11 artist's proofs and 3 working proofs with green clouds, printed c.1995. Reduction cuts on sky; blocks destroyed.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 19x14 inches
First Printed: 1986
Printing History: Multiblock reduction cut print, nominal ed. of 30 plus some artist's proofs printed in 1986 on Masa paper as color proofs for Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival poster image. Only 26 edition prints actually produced. This was one of Killion's largest early multi-block reduction prints. Out-of-print.
NOT AVailable — Out of Print
Image Size: 16.5x12 inches
First Printed: 1985
Printing History: State I -- edition of 100 plus 7 artist's proofs printed 1985 -- some of the higher numbers were destroyed and used for prints actually from State II. The real State I prints have this coloring -- blue sky with yellow sun and leaves.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 10.5x16 inches
First Printed: 1983
Printing History: State I -- edition of 90 plus 26 artist's proofs printed 1983; State II -- edition of 50 plus 13 artist's proofs printed c.1989. Original relief edition out-of-print. Iris-type giclée edition of 55 begun 2004.
Now Available as Large-format giclée print in edition of 55, image measures 21x32.
Image Size: 6x9 inches
First Printed: 1982
Printing History: First edition of 50, plus 15 artist's proofs printed 1982 (edition prints all donated to Artisans Gallery); Edition II of 30 printed 1991; Edition III of 75 begun September 2002.
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1981
Printing History: First edition of 85 plus 9 artist's proofs printed 1981; Second edition (II) of 30 plus 3 a.p.s printed 1997; ed. III of 75 plus 3 a.p.s printed 2012; ed. IV of 95 begun 2020.
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1981
Printing History: First edition of 80 begun in 1981 (titled "Mt. Tam from Sausalito Heliport"), printed from 3 color blocks (19 artist’s proofs also in ed. I). Ed. II with recarved key block printed in 2001 in ed. of 120 plus 7 artist’s proofs. Blocks cancelled. Out-of-Print.
Image Size: 14x10.5 inches*
First Printed: 1981
Printing History: State I [depicted here] edition of 80 plus 16 artist's proofs -- titled "Rocky Point, Marin Co." -- printed 1981; blocks were then trimmed to smaller size and used to print frontispiece to "Walls" book [see Handprinted Books] and State II edition of 50 plus 24 artist's proofs [some of which were actually intended as book pages, therefore numbered in same sequence, but as book proofs] was pulled from the smaller blocks in 1989; blocks destroyed. Original relief edition out-of-print.
Large-Format Giclée edition of 50, measuring 20x27 inches begun 2006 (out-of-print).
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9x12 inches
First Printed: 1980
Printing History: State I -- 2 blocks with hand-inked color block, edition of 50 printed 1980; State II -- 3rd block added, edition of 30 plus 9 artist's proofs c.1986; State III -- nominal edition of 80 but only 1-52 printed c.1989.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 6x8 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: Edition of 50 begun 1979, but only first 25 printed before block ruined and cancelled.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 5x7 inches
First Printed: 1979
Printing History: First edition of 50 plus 12 artist's proofs printed 1979; Edition II, nominally of 40, begun 1989 but only numbers 1-31 printed before block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 8x10 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 50 plus 5 artist's proofs printed 1978. Edition II of 65 printed 1999; ed. III of 75 printed 2009 plus 5 artist's proofs & 1 working proof; ed. IV of 75 plus 10 (2016-18); ed. V of 75 (2019) plus 6 a.p.s.
Image Size: 6x9 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: First edition of 30 plus 3 artist's proofs printed 1978-79 -- titles vary; further editions printed 1980s/90s: II=50; III=50 plus 15 artist's proofs.
Temporarily Out of Print
Image Size: 5x8 inches
First Printed: 1978
Printing History: Edition of 50 begun 1978, plus 6 artist's proofs; Edition II of 50 begun 1980s, pulled through number 35 before block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 5x7 inches
First Printed: 1975
Printing History: First edition of 50 -- many unnumbered -- printed from 1975-78; Second edition (II) of 30 plus 8 artist's proofs printed in 1980s; State III block recut and edition of 50 plus 15 artist's proofs printed 1997; ed. IV of 75 begun 2020.
Image Size: 5x7 inches
First Printed: 1975
Printing History: Nominal edition of 50, only 11 numbered pulls printed 1975. Most solid blue, a few handcolored as in this example. Block damaged. Recarved w/ tint blocks added in 2011, see "High Above Pan Toll, II" (above).
Out of print - not available
Image Size: inches
First Printed: 1975
Printing History: Carved 1975 for title page of "28 Views of Mt. Tamalpais". No edition prints. Many extra pulls from book edition due to typo. Block destroyed.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 6x12 inches
First Printed: 1975
Printing History: Completed 1975. No numbered edition. Block damaged in book printing.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 6x8 inches
First Printed: 1975
Printing History: Nominal edition of 50 pulled through #35 in 1975. Block ruined.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 6x9 inches
First Printed: 1974
Printing History: Edition of 26 done with '28 Views; in mid-1970s.
Out-of-print - not available.
image size: 6.5x10
First Printed: 1974
Printing History: Edition of 13 printed in mid-1970s with '28 Views' book. Block ruined.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 4x6 inches
First Printed: 1974
Printing History: First ed. printed 1974-75, nominally 50, but not finished; used as wedding invitation for friend late 1970s (handprinted); ed. of 25 printed at Univ. of Alabama Library Press on broadside of Maynard Dixon poem "The Light" 1984; block reworked 2002 and ed. II of 50 printed, plus 15 artist's proofs; ed. III (2010) of 50. No longer available.
Image Size: 6x9 inches
First Printed: 1974
Printing History: Nominal edition of 50 begun 1974, printed through #43 in 1970s. Block discovered, cleaned, reprinted in ed.II of 45 plus 5 artist's proofs 2010; ed. III (2015) of 75; ed. IV of 65 (2020).
image size: 4x9 inches
First printed: 1973
Printing History: View from Mt. Wittenberg. This print was originally intended to have a second color block for the mountain itself. Edition of 50 printed in 1970s; ed. II of 75 printed from recut block 2015; ed. III of 85 begun 2022.
Image Size: 5x12 inches
First Printed: 1973
Printing History: First edition of 50 mostly unnumbered, hand-colored, waterbase-inked prints, plus 16 artist's proofs in blue printed 1973-97; Second edition (II) with recut block printed in an edition of 70 plus 15 artist's proofs beginning 1999; ed.III of 75 plus 15 artist's proofs with remounted block printed 2007-12; ed. IV of 75 (2015); ed. V of 85 (2023) Available.
Image Size: 5x7 inches
First Printed: 1972
Printing History: View from ridge above Mill Valley. First printed c.1972 in unnumbered ed. with water-based inks, many hand-colored; block rediscovered, cleaned, reprinted in 1st numbered ed. of 75 (2013-20).
Image Size: 6x9 inches
First Printed: 1973
Printing History: Sketch from the old Marin Co. landfill on Pt. San Quentin where 580 freeway and Home Depot now are. Created c.1973: 1st ed. of 50 printed in 1970s, some unnumbered w/ water-based ink; ed. II of 50 plus 1 a.p. printed 2010 from cleaned and recut block; ed. III of 85 begun 2018.
Image Size: 7x10 inches
First Printed: 1973
Printing History: Original edition printed 1973/74 in nominal edition of 50, titled variously: “Moonlight on Backside” (or) “Pilot's Knob, Lake Lagunitas”; but only printed through #26 before block mounting ruined. Edition II of 85 printed from remounted block plus 7 a.p.s (2018); ed. III of 95 (2020) on Torinoko paper.
Image Size: 3.5x12 inches
First Printed: 1973
Printing History: Nominal edition of 50 pulled through #17 beginning 1973. Block damaged.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 8x10 inches
First Printed: 1973
Printing History: Carved c.1972/73, no numbered edition but some printed with waterbase inks, 1 book print. Block ruined.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 6x8 inches
First Printed: 1972
Printing History: Originally cut and printed in very small unnumbered edition in 1972, then printed in handmade book '28 Views...' in 1975, block was damaged. Recut and printed in ed. of 50 in 2015. Ed. II of 85 begun 2017. Available.
Image Size: 4x9 inches
First Printed: 1972
Printing History: Block carved c.1972, originally titled "Above the Garden of Allah (Ralston White Retreat, Mill Valley)" -- hand-printed from hand-painted waterbase inks on speedball paper in un-numbered series of colored prints c.1972-74. First edition 1-28 of 50 (nominal ed.) printed along with page for "28 Views of Mt. Tamalpais" (1975), plus 4 artist's proofs. Block damaged in storage.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 9x10 inches
First Printed: 1972
Printing History: State I edition of 50 plus 8 artist's proofs printed c.1972-97; State II with recut block edition of 75 begun 2001; ed. III (2015) of 85; ed. IV of 85 begun 2023.
Image Size: 4.5x9 inches
First Printed: 1971
Printing History: View from upper canyon in Mill Valley. One of Tom’s very earliest Mt. Tam prints. Nominal edition of 10 printed with '28 Views' book early 1970s. Block recut and edition II of 35 plus 13 a.p.s (2009); ed. III of 75 (2015); ed. IV of 95 (2019).
Image Size: 4x9 (4x6.5 ed. II) inches
First Printed: 1971
Printing History: Edition of 50 begun early 1970s, printed thru #43 plus 3 a.p.s before block cut down to smaller size for wedding invitation, then used for edition II of 45.
Temporarily Out of Print
Image Size: 8x10 inches
First Printed: 1971
Printing History: Edition of 50 plus 8 artist's proofs printed 1971-75, early prints unnumbered. Block ruined.
Out of print - not available
Image Size: 4x5 inches
First Printed: 1969
Printing History: Block carved originally as Killion family holiday card c.1969, 1st print ed. of 50 completed 1975 with "28 Views..." book; early prints titled "Bootjack Camp" or "East peak from Bootjack" etc.: block recarved/cleaned 2003 = ed.II of 30 plus 10 artist's proofs; ed.III of 60 plus 5 artist's proofs begun 2008; ed. IV 65 begun 2011; ed. V of 75 begun 2018.
Image Size: 7x2.5 inches
Printed: 2024
Printing History: Three first edition states with different colorings were printed in early 2007 along with special California Native Plant Society (CNPS) edition of 40 titled "Douglas Iris". First edition State I: 100 plus 15 artist's proofs; State II (slightly darker purple) 30 plus 9 artist's proofs; State III w/ green iris leaves and reddish purple flowers, 20 plus 2 artist's proofs (sold out); Edition III of 165 plus 5 a.p.s has bluer flowers, printed 2024 is Available.
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